Hi, Drix!
You're right that some of the functionality that is supported by our OpenXML-compliant plug-ins requires the use of more complete implementations of the Ecma OpenXML standard, such as MS Office 2007.
The reason for 'caveating' is that even with MS Word/Office 2003 you can read/write OpenXML documents, by using the
Microsoft Compatibility Pack. If you install this free patch to MS Word 2003, you'll be able to read OpenXML documents and you will be able to use some of the plug-ins that generate word processing documents, such as the
Summary of your Healthcare providers and the
Summary of your medications.However, even with the compatibility pack, MS Word 2003 does not support an OpenXML feature called "
custom schema". In a nutshell, custom schema support makes it possible for office documents to act like 'envelopes' where you can store other types of documents, such as continuity of care records, etc. You need that functionality in order to use the
Office to CCR translation service plug-in. That's the plug-in that allows you to use the word processing
templates of test panels that can be 'read' by HealthFrame.
If you want more detailed information on the OpenHealth Service (OHS) Plug-ins that integrate HealthFrame with Office documents, please take a look at
this post in the forum.
Finally, please take a look at this
thread, and in particular our most recent response, to address your comment about slowness when editing tests.
Thanks for your post!
Support Team