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Add Blood Tests To ‘Only Common” List??

Last post 01-14-2008, 10:27 AM by Records For Living Support. 5 replies.
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  •  04-18-2007, 11:25 PM 685

    Add Blood Tests To ‘Only Common” List??

    In post 614, 2/19/07 RFL Support offered, ‘Is there a particular panel you would suggest we add?’. I would like to suggest two template blood test panels for the ‘Only Common” list. The first is the Complete Metabolic Panel(CMP) which is frequently ordered for general diagnosis and contains 14 individual tests. The second recommendation is an Iron Panel consisting of Iron, Iron Saturation(also known as transferrin saturation), TIBC, UIBC and Ferritin. This panel is very common for those with iron disorders and may be ordered several times a year depending on several varying factors.


    Along with the above I am also interested in seeing the previously mentioned program development of saving user defined test templates similar to the Only Common templates.


  •  04-22-2007, 10:58 PM 690 in reply to 685

    Re: Add Blood Tests To ‘Only Common” List??


    thanks for the great suggestions for additions to the common tests panels.  These have been forwarded to our development team

    We have some exciting new ideas we are considering for the creation/use of custom/user-defined panels.  Thanks for letting us know this is indeed a useful feature to HealthFrame users.

    Support Team
  •  01-12-2008, 8:46 AM 951 in reply to 690

    Re: Add Blood Tests To ‘Only Common” List??


    We thought you might like to know that last November, Records For Living announced OpenHealth Service (OHS) Plug-In support that makes it possible to create word processing documents that can be used - in the interim - as user-defined templates.

    In particular, you can download the Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) document template from our web site.  Here are some instructions in our HealthFrame User's Forum on how you should install and use the CMP template and how it can be reused as a panel to import data into HealthFrame.

    We will be working on the Iron Panel you suggested and we will post it to the User Community Forum once it becomes available.  Please let us know what other suggestions you may have for user-defined templates.  Note that if you have access to word processing programs, you should be able to create your own document templates and post it to the HealthFrame User Community Forum.  We can then take these user-defined forms and convert them into OHS Plug-ins.

    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Support Team
  •  01-12-2008, 9:29 PM 952 in reply to 951

    Surprise [:O] Re: Add Blood Tests To ‘Only Common” List??

    The current Template (and future update improvement) sounds great, but I currently only have MS Word/Office 2003, so I assume I need to get Office 2007 for the XML-compliancy. Perhaps when I upgrade my computer.

    Tonight, I added all those tests/results individually as Tests to a Visit and it was very time-consuming. I wouldn't want to do that for each lab report, so I'll scan the results and attach them for now.
    p.s. I may need to delete them since the page is extremely slow now so maybe it was too many tests to handle - 42 total!

  •  01-14-2008, 10:23 AM 956 in reply to 952

    Re: Add Blood Tests To ‘Only Common” List??

    Hi, Drix!

    You're right that some of the functionality that is supported by our OpenXML-compliant plug-ins requires the use of more complete implementations of the Ecma OpenXML standard, such as MS Office 2007. 

    The reason for 'caveating' is that even with MS Word/Office 2003 you can read/write OpenXML documents, by using the Microsoft Compatibility Pack.  If you install this free patch to MS Word 2003, you'll be able to read OpenXML documents and you will be able to use some of the plug-ins that generate word processing documents, such as the Summary of your Healthcare providers  and the Summary of your medications.

    However, even with the compatibility pack, MS Word 2003 does not support an OpenXML feature called "custom schema".  In a nutshell, custom schema support makes it possible for office documents to act like 'envelopes' where you can store other types of documents, such as continuity of care records, etc.  You need that functionality in order to use the Office to CCR translation service plug-in.  That's the plug-in that allows you to use the word processing templates of test panels that can be 'read' by HealthFrame.

    If you want more detailed information on the OpenHealth Service (OHS) Plug-ins that integrate HealthFrame with Office documents, please take a look at this post in the forum.

    Finally, please take a look at this thread, and in particular our most recent response, to address your comment about slowness when editing tests.

    Thanks for your post!
    Support Team
  •  01-14-2008, 10:27 AM 957 in reply to 951

    Re: Add Blood Tests To ‘Only Common” List??


    The Iron Panel template has been published on our web site.

    Thanks and please let us know if you have other suggestions for improvement,
    Support Team
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