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Doctor visits, visit reports and Parson's Technology program

Last post 01-30-2007, 10:39 PM by Records For Living Support. 1 replies.
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  •  01-30-2007, 9:52 PM 593

    Doctor visits, visit reports and Parson's Technology program

    Here is what I want to do: 
    Record doctor visits.
    Each entry should be able to record the date, the doctor, what he determined, the medicine prescribed.
    Then I want to be able to print reports that can show the above.  And the report could be for that date or span over a period of time.
    Will your program do this??
    Also, I have the old Parson's Technology program Personal Health Journal.  Any way to import the old information?
  •  01-30-2007, 10:39 PM 596 in reply to 593

    Re: Doctor visits, visit reports and Parson's Technology program

    Attachment: VisitSample.PNG

    Dear Paul,

    With HealthFrame you can:

    • record doctor visits
    • each doctor visit entry can track
      • visit date
      • provider (doctor)
      • notes taken of your doctor's findings
      • prescribed medication (done in HealthFrame using the information linking mechanism)
    • additionally each visit can track
      • conditions that were diagnosed, expenses, lab tests that were taken, treatments that were recommended, etc (all using links)

    (Please see sample screen shot below)

    The Visits page provides a summary list of all visits.  This list can be configured to display visits within a particular date range and/or sorted by provider name, type of visit or date.  We do not have a built-in report that summarizes the information you described, in the manner you described.  HealthFrame does support a reporting plug-in extension mechanism (aka OpenHealth Services plug-ins or simply OHS plug-ins).  We have published some examples of these plug-ins in the forum before, as per user request.  I can pass along the request and maybe the development team can publish a report that might help you with what you want.

    As for the Parson's Technology program, we are not familiar with its capabilities.  Do you know if it has an export feature?  Do you have either samples (not real records but fictitious samples) or documentation on the format of exported data?  If so, we can at least take a look at it...  Do other folks have experience using this tool and would they find it useful to have a converter?

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