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Problems with custom charts

Last post 07-18-2006, 11:40 PM by Records For Living Support. 1 replies.
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  •  07-18-2006, 11:22 PM 406

    Problems with custom charts

    Custom Charts

    I had problems using Custom Charts. When selecting from the Views toolbar on the left, the displayed chart would revert to the last edited chart or the chart last selected through the ... button. This seemed clumsy.

    When editing a Custom Chart, I found that the only way to make a deleted measurement stay gone was to delete the entire chart and re-create the chart.



  •  07-18-2006, 11:40 PM 408 in reply to 406

    Re: Problems with custom charts

    Dear Lloyd,

    Thanks for the note on custom charts.

    We believe you have run into a bug with HealthFrame's IntelliNav support of custom charts.  IntelliNav is a feature of HealthFrame designed to maximize ease of navigation.  IntelliNav dynamically rearranges the items in the Views Navigation panel (on the left) based on a combination of data you have entered and how you navigated in HealthFrame in the past.

    If you have multiple custom charts and you navigate to them in turn, IntelliNav should display distinct entries for the custom charts you navigate.  As a result of your report, we have done some testing and we have found two bugs in the 2.0.3 release: IntelliNav occasionally will list multiple entries for the same custom chart and once you have opened multiple charts, revisiting a previous chart will continue to display the most recently selected.  These bugs have been reported and we expect for them to be fixed in the next release of HealthFrame.

    In the meantime, the work around is to close the custom chart before navigating to another custom chart.

    As for removing a measurement from a custom chart, all you have to do is remove the desired measurement and then name the customization to the same name as the original name.  This will override the customization's definition.  (You will see text show up indicating that you are replacing a customization definition).

    This may seem a bit confusing for what you are trying to do - and we welcome suggestions for how to make this more intuitive.  Note that the intent was to let users build a library of charts, step by step, adding customizations that are one off (or more) from a previous customization...

    Thanks for the report!

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