Most times the next visit date and time are established at the end of the office visit session, so I enter that as a ‘Add New’ visit after recording the ‘After Visit Notes’. What would be nice in the Visit window is new fields to enter the ‘Next Visit Date’ and ‘Next Visit Time’, then have the program create the ‘Add New’ visit with the ‘Basic Information’ already filled in.
While filling in the ‘After Visit Notes’ I often find there are items not discussed, new items come to mind and particularly important is a reminder to discuss tests that were ordered and/or effects of medication changes at the next visit. As a further enhancement to the above suggestion, please also consider adding a new field under Preparation and Post-Visit Notes named ‘Next Visit Notes’. The intent is for these notes to transfer(Cut) with the ‘Next Visit Date’ and ‘Next Visit Time’ and be displayed(Paste) in the ‘Preparation Notes’ window. The Cut/Paste is suggested to purge duplicate information, but maybe the program can display the same information in both places without ‘duplication’?
Currently, for those interested, I enter these next visit notes at the bottom of the ‘After Visit Notes’ window and when finished, Cut those notes and Paste them in the ‘Preparation Notes’ window of the Next Visit record. I’ve found that doctors will order tests, receive the results and do nothing with the information unless there is a perceived issue. More often than not though those tests do have something that raises a question in your mind or warrants explanation. The problem here is we do not get to see the test results until AFTER the visit and even then, only if a copy is requested. (Advice: ALWAYS request a copy of your tests)