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Tests and MHS Rearrangement V2.1.6

Last post 07-17-2007, 10:57 PM by Records For Living Support. 3 replies.
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  •  07-05-2007, 11:26 AM 780

    Tests and MHS Rearrangement V2.1.6

    FYI. This condition occurred when recording the same test from three different dates.


    HFE will arrange test column titles, left to right(1,2,3,4) in Medical History Summary(MHS), in accordance with the order entered from top to bottom(1,2,3,4) under Item Name with the first record. The left to right arrangement will continue in MHS as long all the Item Names are included in subsequent records. However, if only two of the Item Names(e.g. 3 & 4) are recorded on the most recent entry date, the program will rearrange the left to right order in MHS to 3,4,1,2.


    The program behavior may be by design, but IMO the order desired by the user should be maintained throughout regardless of the record date or tests performed/not performed .

  •  07-07-2007, 10:45 PM 788 in reply to 780

    Re: Tests and MHS Rearrangement V2.1.6


    Thank you for reporting this behavior to us.

    I tried to reproduce what you described.  I opened up the Susan Marie Taylor example and deleted one of the Blood Glucose measurements, leaving three, one of which has two columns missing.

    I did not experience the 're-ordering' you speak of.  Is it possible to try and give me more specific steps to follow?  Did you use an existing panel? 

    Support Team

  •  07-12-2007, 1:04 AM 797 in reply to 788

    Re: Tests and MHS Rearrangement V2.1.6

    Rather than deleting, as was done, add another test at a later date, as would normally be the situation. Using Susan’s PHR, click Add New (test), complete the test ‘Type’, leave the date ‘7/11/2007’ and only enter ’11:00 pm’ in the ‘Blood Glucose (Night) Note’ field(the right most column in MHS). Save. You will see that the (Night) Note column is now the left most column in MHS.


    One more example. Go back to Tests and enter ’25’ in the ‘Blood Glucose (Bedtime) field. Save. Even though this is the first time (Bedtime) was recorded, it is now the left most column in MHS. The (Night) Note column is now moved to the right, possibly due to the order of the entry items on the same day.


    Observation. The Blood Glucose Daily Measurement test as a Only Common selection should be reworked. First, consider removing the term ‘Blood Glucose’ in every MHS column - a duplication of the test title. Second, only four of the potential ten columns are demonstrated. If all ten columns were recorded for the dates shown, the resulting MHS would not be a pretty picture. These ten columns will not fit horizontally on the page.


    A more efficient layout can be achieved with the current programming. Click ‘Add New’ test, use same ‘Type’ title, open ‘Measurements’, click ‘Add New’ five times. In the five fields under Item Name enter 1st, mg/dl; 2nd, mg/dl; 3rd, mg/dl; 4th, mg/dl; 5th, mg/dl, respectively(this assumes that these measurements are normally taken five times a day and should be changed to whatever period is appropriate). The time and measurement are entered in the Value fields. MHS would look like this:


    Blood Glucose Daily Measurements


                            1st, mg/dl         2nd, mg/dl       3rd, mg/dl       4th, mg/dl       5th, mg/dl

    7/11/2007         6:00 am, 131   11:55 am, 132     5:25 pm, 133     9:45 pm, 134   12:15 am, 135


    The above arrangement assumes the time is all that would be needed with the measurement. The am/pm notation may or may not be necessary…military time is appropriate here for brevity. Should a brief note be desirable, then the Item Name order would revert to ‘mg/dl, 1st', etc. and some text may be included after the time. I am not at all familiar with glucose tests so please excuse inappropriate assumptions.

  •  07-17-2007, 10:57 PM 806 in reply to 797

    Re: Tests and MHS Rearrangement V2.1.6


    Thank you for the additional information on how to reproduce the problem you were seeing.  I have followed your instruction and I was able to see the same re-ordering of the panel measurement columns (see image below). 

    I talked to the development team and I found out that the current algorithm looks at each test in turn.  For each test, the code figures out what columns are present - not all measurements need be provided.  With this code logic, the tests that are displayed first dictate the ordering of the columns.

    The idea is that test results will tend to be 'homogenous' and if the first measurements have measurements missing then it is likely that they're missing from consecutive tests.  It wouldn't be reasonable to make room for all possible ten values of a blood glucose panel entry, if only a subset is being recorded...

    I have passed along your suggestion that the measurement ordering used in the definition of the panel should be preserved if possible.

    Thanks also for the suggestion for the blood glucose measurement display.  It is actually possible for more than the ten measurements to be required in a day, especially if before and after measurements are being taken, as well as insulin doses.  HealthFrame re-orients the measurement results to display one row per measurement type and value.

    There may be some flexibility with specific test result reporting with the new technology we're developing, but in particular, we've also been thinking about the ability to have different 'display' values for measurement types - as you suggest using '1st', etc.  It is not clear yet how that might be configured, but it is part of the configuration support we're discussing.


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