#1 In the HeatlhFrame data model, we call things with measurement results a 'test' - and things done purely for the therapeutic impact a treatment. I realize the world isn't so black and white, but its still helpful in organizing information to draw lines.
So - this would be a TEST in HealthFrame parlance, not a Treatment.
And you can create the "Test" record without entering any of the results, and add the results later. There is one 'object' - the Test. And you fill in the 'ordered' part when you know that - and you fill in the 'results' part when you know that.
Make sense?
#2 - I plan to have more respectable help in the coming month or two because people have complained. I personally don't view it as that important, but I listen, and can be swayed by user feedback. I only have so much time to work on this and must pick priorities. Time I send writing documentation is time I'm not spending on other aspects of the product.
Again - customer feedback may change this - but I expect improved online help support in the coming months but probably NEVER complete online help support.
Please also note - the product has (IMHO) pretty good BUILTIN help support. We just use the online support as an augmentation of that builtin support. You can search through the product for pages, and there is hover text on most things, and most pages have a pre-set help panel that gives you an overview of that page.
So its NOT like there isnt (good) help. Its just the 'online' part of the help which is trash.
(see attached image for example built in help)