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Handling document attachments/links

  •  06-14-2007, 10:35 PM

    Handling document attachments/links

    In thread Ted asks:

    4)       Your web site suggests that I can attach electronic copies of reports to personal record in your software application.  Can you tell me if the application creates a file or full copy of the original file and stores it in the data file for the application, thus available to your reader; or does it simply link to the file that I have stored in a separate location?

    a.       As part of the same question – if the application saves its’ own copy, then I should be able to use the CD with my records on it to save those records in the application in the appropriate places and then remove the original CD without storing anything on my hard drive except your data file.  After that all of the records that I saved would then be available simply by using your application without the original CD that has my old records on it.  Do I understand that correctly?

    4) HealthFrame supports both attaching and linking to documents.  It is entirely up to you which mechanism makes sense in your case.  Please note that linking includes the ability to link to URLs - so the documents you reference can even be posted in web-accessible locations.

    a. You understand this correctly.  There are benefits to both approaches and you should consider what works best for you.  If you have a lot of large attachments, you may choose to link to them to keep your PHR size down.  This may be useful to make certain tasks faster (e.g. creating back-ups).  Another reason to 'link' is if you use a back-up data service, in which case you could store your documents in the internet accessible back-up site and link from HealthFrame.  Of course, as you point out, attaching in HealthFrame has the advantage that it's all in one place...

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