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How can I share my medical records with my health providers?

  •  06-14-2007, 10:05 PM

    How can I share my medical records with my health providers?

    In thread, Ted asks:

    2)       How do you distribute the reader of the files that your software creates? 

    a.       It appears to create a file of a proprietary nature that requires your reader.  How does that help me make my medical records available to a health care provider, unless it is by paper?

    b.      Your web site discusses IT standards for PHR’s How do I find out if my providers use that same standard?

    2. HealthFrame Lite Edition (the 'reader') can be freely downloaded from our website

    a. HealthFrame supports a number of different mechanisms that you can use to share your medical records with your health provider:

        - You can export HealthFrame to an industry standard format known as the ASTM Continuity of Care Record.  This is an electronic, XML-based industry standard that is supported by a number of electronic health record vendors (the software used by health providers).
        - You can export the contents from your PHR onto an iPod and allow your provider to view your records.
        - You can print any number of reports available in HealthFrame and share those with your providers.
        - If your provider has access to the internet, he/she can access your clinical records via CCR-compliant intermediaries, such as MedCommons, via the CXP (Commons eXchange Protocol) protocol.

    b. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) maintains a listing of products that support CCR  You can ask your providers if they use any of the compliant products.

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