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Re: suggestions

  •  04-26-2006, 9:33 PM

    Re: suggestions

    1) remove reason for visit  from preparation and post visit, and have it be its own subcategory

    Please clarify why you think this would be a good idea. We've already made significant changes to the content of the 'visit' page for 2.0 (mostly surrounding the issue of links to related information).

    not really a clarification, but it would make it easier to know what the appointment was for without having to looking under prep and post -visit notes if there is no preparation needed.

    2)combine organizations and individuals together into one group
    This is already part of our plan for our 3.0 product cycle.

    3)re-define drop down lists to more common names and have lesser knowns
    be user-defined or enable the user to add/remove items to suit thier needs.
    This too is already on our list for our 3.0 product cycle, but its less clear if it will be done for 3.0.

    is it possible to add this in version 2.0,it will make searching alot easier and more user-friendly if there were shorter lists of common names.(will be able to help with input if needed in this aspect)

    or enable the add/remove feature so one can customize to suit their needs(Childrens common ailments,womans issues etc.) without having to search through information  that is not pertinent to them individually

    4)remove start and end dates. most surgeriesand treatments and etc. start and end on the same date
    Perhaps most do, but how does the user  enter information about those that do not? Many treatments last months or years.

    How about separating them.Therapeutic and preventative

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