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I don't know how this would work, trying to cover the deductibles as a list and what is covered, would get very length as there is no standard out and in place - each plan is written specifically for the company, the government or the private plans that are for individuals.
For example, the federal government has 15 providers, each with specific ...
in another PHR software, they use the practice of automatically backup the PHR file. Each time the PHR is closed/exited, that competitor creates a backup. A total of three backups are always maintained by the program. Also, the user has the choice to make a backup that is separate and distinct from the automatic backup that is created by the ...
When the calendar is displayed and the print icon is click, the resulting report is very horrible. I has expected to have standard columns for the calendar. Has this been reported already?
Was there a reason why the use of military time was not programed for the product? If I can set windows as a 24-hour or a 12 hour time display, I would have expected to be able to enter time in the add event in military time.
Also, since windows is using the 24 hour or 12 hour time for display, is that a fetaure that is coming in a future release
Discussion Folder for the Calendar
At the present time, I do not see that there is a Vision Profile as the same as the other profile within Health Explorer. Is this being planned for the future releases or versions of the product?
As a work around, what is the suggestion for the capture of the General Vision Information (last eye examination, does the person wear glasses, ...
This provides a method of requesting or recommending enhancements to the future of Health Explorer.
Are there any questions with this request? I don't see where it was addressed.
I feel that this is a workaround until the program can be changed. I do hope that this helps others.
so, how can this be done - I am running / using 2.0 and don't how it can be done clearly.