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List insurance plan specifics(copays,deductictibles,What is covered)

  •  06-16-2006, 8:26 PM

    List insurance plan specifics(copays,deductictibles,What is covered)

    I don't know how this would work, trying to cover the deductibles as a list and what is covered, would get very length as there is no standard out and in place - each plan is written specifically for the company, the government or the private plans that are for individuals.

    For example, the federal government has 15 providers, each with specific plans, each with specific deductibles, and a vast array of what is covered. To me that is the reason for the plan to be kept either in hardcopy or by PDF soft copy - so you can hightlight and then make notes.

    I can only see this with "a standard for the entire industry" and it has just not happened at this time.

    *** Davis
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