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Re: Adding family members

  •  11-10-2006, 6:21 PM

    Re: Adding family members

    Dear Jolene,

    Thanks for trying out HealthFrame.  We're glad to hear you like our product thus far.

    I can't quite tell from your note what you meant exactly by 'When I add family members'...  The reason is because there are two mechanisms in HealthFrame that could be interpreted as 'adding family members':

    - Creating a new and separate personal health record (PHR) for that family member

    - Creating an entry in your PHR for your family members (in HealthFrame, navigate to Home >Basic Information > Family.)

    Let me cover these two examples and hopefully I'll help you with the issue you had in mind.  If not, please let me know by replying to this thread with further clarification.

    PHRs are complete health records for an individual.  With HealthFrame, you can keep separate records for each person in your household.  When you create each PHR this way, HealthFrame has no way of knowing who is related to who or how...  After you have created the PHRs in HealthFrame,  you will be able to link to your family members' PHRs - I'll cover that in the next paragraph.

    When you are editing a particular PHR, you can navigate to the Family History section (see above).  In that section you can add new family members and for each of them, you can indicate their relationship to you (mother, sibling, child, etc).  Here you can also link to those individual's PHRs - if you created/imported them in HealthFrame.

    One more thing to point out is that you can copy information you entered in one PHR into another.  For instance, let's say you're using HealthFrame to manage your health and that of a spouse and children.  You then go to your PHR and enter your mother in your family history.  It's natural that you'd want to copy your mother's information to your children's PHR - but probably not to your spouse's - since your spouse and your mother are not blood relatives.  You can copy a shared relative's information literally by copying/pasting that information across PHRs.  Here's what you do:

    1. Open a PHR and enter a common relative information in the family history.

    2. Open a second PHR.

    3. In your PHR click on the row for the specific family member you want to copy. Click on Edit / Copy Family Member

    4. Click on the target PHR, navigate to the family member section and click on Edit / Paste New Family Member.

    5. As soon as you do that, the family member detail page will open up.  This will give you an opportunity to update the relationship.  For instance, if you pasted your mother's information on your child's PHR, you'd want to change the relationship to grandparent (instead of parent).

    I hope this helps and if not, please let us know.

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