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Suggestion: Ability To List Meds By Prescribing Provider

  •  07-22-2012, 1:53 PM

    Suggestion: Ability To List Meds By Prescribing Provider

    I'd like to see a feature that allows you to quickly list all medications prescribed by a particular individual or organizational provider (for organizational providers, it should list meds prescribed by the organization and all individual providers listed as belonging to that organization).

    I have different meds prescribed by several different specialists, and the specific meds prescribed by each change often. If I'm running low on a med and have to make an appointment for a new prescription, it would be very helpful to be able to quickly list all meds that I'm currently taking that were prescribed by that provider so I can make sure to ask for new prescriptions for all of them, if possible. That saves me from having to make (and pay for) another appointment in a couple of weeks when another med prescribed by that provider starts to run low.
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