I agree with uunipok, and would also like to see such an option of a simplified list. More and more emergency rooms are using electronic records systems, so that when you go to the ER, during intake they look at your printed list (or you tell them, if you don't have a printed list) of medications and type in into their computer system. If they are copying off of a printout, any extra information creates an additional risk of mistyping the info into the system. For example, with the current report, it is very easy for an intake nurse to accidentally input the strength of the Rx (e.g. 5 mg) as the actual dose of medication you take. If you take 2 pills in the morning every day, with each pill being 5 mg, your dose would be 10 mg per day. However with the current report, the "Strength" line would read "5 mg", while the SIG line would read: "2 By mouth 1 time per day in morning". In the hurried and stressful environment of an ER, an intake nurse could easily read the strength line as "5 mg" and miss the significance of the "2 By mouth 1 time per day in morning" in the SIG line. She/he could accidentally input your dosage as 5 mg based on the Strength line, instead of the actual dosage of 10 mg since you take 2 pills. A simplified report showing the medication name and dosage would be very beneficial. The dosage should display only the amount actually taken (e.g. if you take 2 5mg pills every day, the dosage should simply read 10mg). An option to disable/override the automatic calculation of the actual dosage based on the strength and number of pills should be provided for each medication entry in order to accommodate medications with unusual measurements of strength and/or dosage (such as patients with self-administered morphine devices), or medications with dosages and/or frequencies of administration that vary from day to day (such as insulin for diabetics).