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Schedules for recommended tests, etc.

  •  02-18-2008, 11:59 AM

    Schedules for recommended tests, etc.

    I have just recently started using HealthFrame, and so far it seems to meet much of our requirements.  However, it doesn't seem to offer the abilility to really manage preventative measures -screening, immunizations, etc.  I would like to have one place (a report would be fine) that would list all of the preventative 'stuff' that I need to do, such as Flu shots, DT shots, mammograms, routine physicals, etc.  I would like to put in the recommended period, preferably w/ some guidance from Libraires (e.g. 10 year DT injections, annual physicals (assuming over 50), etc.) and then have the program produce a report saying when was the last, when is the next, etc., with all of these in one place.  The calendar, although useful, isn't easy to use because of the narrow timeframe it displays. 

    If this capability is there, a pointer to how to use it would be great.  If not, I would propose it for a future release.


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