Dear Chas,
There are many ways to access your HealthFrame 1.0 records while you're away from your computer.
Some of the mechanisms are outlined in our website's FAQ: (see Portable Medical Records).
In a nutshell, you can export HealthFrame files and/or generate PDF files that can be carried in portable storage devices: USB memory sticks, CDs, cell phones, etc. Obviously, you can also carry physical printouts of your emergency card (in your wallet, for instance) or medical history summary.
With HealthFrame 2.0, you will have access to additional portability functionality. HealthFrame 2.0 supports industry standard technologies/protocols (continuity of care record) that will allow HealthFrame uers to view HealthFrame records from any compliant system. This includes certain services that will allow uploading your records in a secure, private way, under your control, for later retrieval by you and/or your providers.
Support Team