I am an individual with a family vs a provider/coach. Since I'm in the middle of the evaluation, I do have lots of ifo to copy (I wish I could copy Visits, Medications etc too). However, even after current/old info is entered, there will be many times that I need at least 2 phrs open. I try to schedule my kid's dental and check-up appts at the same time. I'd like to record Blood Donations somehow (cool if had 8 week reminder and number of pints donated..). However, it's a Low Priority Suggestion, so if your model doesn't support it easily, then I can live with it.
I must say that so far, I'm very impressed with the product, and I like the professional nature of your forum/support responses. I'm a Customer Support manager for a software development firm, and I know the importance of prompt and curtious support/service. Everyone reflects back to the company/product. I'm very used to working with relational databases so many of my desires are comparing what I use daily (Soffront TrackWeb); I love the queries/reports/customizations..
Thanks again for your responses. I'm sure I'll be adding more.