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How safe is sharing medical records over the internet (was Re: How can I share my medical records with my health providers?)

  •  06-15-2007, 9:50 AM

    How safe is sharing medical records over the internet (was Re: How can I share my medical records with my health providers?)

        Some people believe in the safety of storing their medical records on the internet. Others believe it is unsafe. There is ample evidence to support both points of view.

        At Records For Living, we try to leave as many choices like this as possible to consumers, and then to support their choices with the best possible software and technologies.

        With HealthFrame, you can maintain your records completely securely on your home computer, and never transmit any of them across the internet. You can choose do export limited subsets of your data, and transmit them to people (or services) you designate. Or, you can send your entire medical record, un-encrypted, anywhere you like.

        Over the coming years, HealthFrame will greatly expand the kinds of services you can access over the internet, and the security options you can choose from. But at any time, you can rest assured that Records for Living will respect your privacy, and do our best to give the consumer choice and control.

        Addressing the specific security issues of specific technologies (like CXP) - I think - is probably outside the scope of your intended question, but if you are interested, we can comment on that, or redirect you to sources where you can find more information.

              The Support Team.

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