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Re: Medications Link

  •  02-25-2007, 9:45 AM

    Re: Medications Link

    Attachment: PharmacyJournal.PNG


    Welcome to HealthFrame and to our user Forum!

    Cross-information linking is indeed a powerful feature of HealthFrame.  Unfortunatelly as you pointed out the 2.x release does not support linking medications to pharmacies.

    Though it's a natural assocation - as you point out - it is also an association that is part of a much more intricate and detailed process dealing with medications/prescriptions, pill management and refills, in general.  We have spent a fair amount of time thinking about the best way to manage prescriptions in HealthFrame and our next major version should reflect those improvements.  To give you an idea of some of the 'details' we'd like to handle, they include things like reminders to refill or get a new prescription; supporting switching where you get your medications filled (transferring prescriptions across pharmacies, etc); figuring out from the frequency of the medication, how many pills are remaining, etc.

    In the meantime, there is a work-around for version 2.x that you can use and which would allow us to help you with a conversion for the next major version.  Simply create a Journal for the pharmacy(ies) where you fill your medications.  Then for each medication that you fill at that pharmacy, create a link to the Journal.  Your journal should look something like the picture below.

    Thanks for bringing this up and please let us know areas where you have suggestions for further improvement.

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