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GMW-008: Reports > Summaries > Customizations

  •  11-02-2006, 3:34 PM

    GMW-008: Reports > Summaries > Customizations

    IMHO the modifications you have made in the Summary Reports in v2.1 are outstanding. They are much clearer now and more organized. The 'Edit Customization...' dialog box certainly gives us Users a very detailed way to control what we want these reports to look like. But I would like to make some suggestions for the future in this area, as follows:

    1. Offer more Sorting options: For instance, Date sorting might make sense for Medications and Immunizations.
    2. 'Fine tune' Sorting in Medical History Summary: I see built-in sorting, but it varies by section. Could we perhaps choose our own sorting? For Conditions, I am not sure of your sort; I personally would like to sort by Date.  Medications is by Name; I would prefer by Date. Providers seems random; I might prefer them sorted by Type, such as Doctors, Hospitals, etc., then sorted alphabetically by Name. Treatments is by Name; I would instead choose by Date. Tests is by Name, then by Descending Date, so that section does seem consistent and useful.
    3. Changes to the Edit Customization dialog box:
      1. Increase the overall size of the Edit Customization dialog box: If you look at the lists displayed when you click on Tests, Immunizations, Hospitalizations, Treatments, sometimes the item name is so long you cannot see the date so you are operating in the blind trying to choose which items to Add or Remove.
      2. Sort lists both by Name and Date: When I look at Tests, I have many Vital Signs tests. But the dates appear to be in random order. If I only want my report to include a range of such tests, it would obviously help me to have them in date order. [Hint to other Users: I did discover you can Shift-Click in these lists to select multiple items.]
      3. Add a Button to 'Remove All' along with the Add and Remove buttons: Tuesday I had a follow-up visit with my Doctor, and I printed my Medical History Summary, but I didn't want any of my Tests, Immunizations, etc. on the summary. So it would have been very convenient to click a single button to clear these entire Sections off the report.
    Thanks for your consideration. As we record more and more data in Healthframe, we will need finer tools to mine, summarize, and present this data so we and our Healthcare providers can come to conclusions faster. I am really excited about how far Healthframe has come in such a short time and the tools it is providing me; keep up the good work.
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