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Suggestions - Providers - enhancements

  •  06-11-2006, 11:51 AM

    Suggestions - Providers - enhancements

    Attachment: provider.jpg

    In the Role(s) field, can this be lengthened to the right to align and then show the full role on the screen? As you can see here in this shot, it is being cut off, not truncated but cut off in the display.


    Also, has any one requested to have more than one role for a provider? I can’t right off see a need, but it could be requested.


    Is there a reason why the name field is constructed with pre-fix, first name, middle name and last name rather than last name, first name, middle name and suffix?  This is the most common that I have seen (the last, first, middle and then the suffix). Also, you might want to give this as an option for the user to select?


    In the line that has the start date and then end date, it might be a nice feature to calculate the number of years and months that a patient has been with the provider, organization, etc. I don’t see that this needs to be on a report, but a nice calculation for the patient to know when they are recommending a specific provider.


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