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Re: Suggestion - medication Co-Pays and Insurance life

  •  06-10-2006, 11:17 PM

    Re: Suggestion - medication Co-Pays and Insurance life

    (1) Will the contacts be more of a rolodex in nature - I know from my experience, I deal with the save providers and have a narrow set - but when I change cities - then they change.

    (2) Ok - understand, but was thinking of more of some standard entries - is it possible for the program to capture the entries, and then use them to display like dropdowns.

    (3) I understand about the use of the free field with the ellipsis - but since this is so common, why have to use the free field -

    (4) I would see this on the provider screen - but this could be assiged with the location - since many providers in metro areas have multiple office that they provide service - for example my podtriatist has 3 offices and I have been to all three. Additinoally, if the ability to use the mapping programs - such as map quest for example, then the information here for the entry of mapping is standard  and can be filled in from the program - also, this will provide the miles from home to the provider.

    (5) understand that this can be done now, but there is no place other than the text ares to record policy issued date, breakdwns, and amounts - I know from the recent passing of a friend, that his family would have had a lead / some knowledge if they had this information with his other medical records in a program like this.


    *** Davis
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