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Re: Feature suggestion: List visits (relationships) in sorted order; provide a method for sorting all types of relationships

  •  01-23-2017, 5:34 PM

    Re: Feature suggestion: List visits (relationships) in sorted order; provide a method for sorting all types of relationships

    What I'm seeing is a bit different from your claim. If I'm wrong, please let me know, and provide a screenshot or some other more explicit example.

    What I see is that 'relationships' are shown in sorted order - first (primary sort key) is the top level kind of thing they are related to (like Journal, or Treatment or Visit).

    And then - within that category - the are also displayed in sorted order.

    I think what may be confusing is that within a category - they are sorted alphabetically, not chronologically. Sometimes one makes more sense than the other. But within otherwise like items (say links to a visit to a doctor) - I can see how listing those chronologically would be more helpful than alphabetically (by date).

    I'm also sympathetic to your request about providing user control to sort this yourself. However, I get enough feedback from users that HealthFrame is complicated, and adding controls over sorting here - while helpful - will also lead to confusion and probably not the the most high value place to start sorting.

    I will look into improving the 'defaullt' sort algorithm, to make it more date-centric, and see if that helps.

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