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  •  11-05-2011, 12:47 PM


    I believe I questioned the Rx Co-Pay question before, but maybe not the others:

    1) Under Basic Information on the Expense Detail, is it possible to add "Rx Co-Pay" in the drop-down menu? This would be greatly appreciated for those of us on Medicare to track when we go into the doughnut hole.

    2) Under Basic Information on the Expense Detail, is it possible to change the Pay To field to be a drop down box in which we can select the individual or organization provider option? (see #4))?

    3) When adding an expense to a visit, the information provided when selecting a pre-existing expense is limited. Is it possible to add to the date and amount, who the amount is paid to in all circumstances? For instance, if the co-pay was to a doctor, the doctor is not identified in the expense list, just the date and amount. Also, if you have gone to the drug store for a prescrliption, only the date, drug store name, and amount is listed. The prescription name is not. This is a problem if there are multiple prescriptions picked up on the same day. (I hope this makes sense).

    4) Under Basic Information on the Visit information, is it possible to split the individual and organization selections when you click on the Provider box? Those of us who have multiple conditions, have multiple doctors, and each doctor may have multiple contacts (i.e., nurse, lab technician, billing, etc.,), and which also means there are multiple organizations (at least one per doctor, sometimes more). Having to scroll through multiple individuals just to get to the Name of a Pharmacy is time-consuming and tedious. So being able to select either the organization or individual provider list would be very helpful.

    Many thanks for a great product and for your patience with our questions.

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