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Re: Converting .HPHR files to .pdf files

  •  11-02-2009, 8:51 AM

    Re: Converting .HPHR files to .pdf files


    .HFBK is the HealthFrame Backup file format - data is encrypted and optionally password-protected (based on your preferences).  .HPHR is Records for Living's XML-based open format, typically used for exporting to external systems and/or integration with OpenHealth Service Plug-ins.

    Both of these formats contain the entirety of an individual's health record, including medical and personal information, as well as expenses, attachments, etc.  HealthFrame does not currently contain a single 'report' that would contain all of this information in one shot.  In essence, creating a single PDF would in most cases generate a very large file.  Would you be interested in something like that, given that inclusion of a lifetime's of images could produce multiple hundreds of megabytes of data?

    At this point in time, there is no automated way of generating report(s) based on the backup or export files, though it's an interesting suggestion that we will pass on to our development team for consideration.  Given the potential size considerations listed above, it's likely that we would select cetain types of reports (e.g. medical history summary, expense transactions, etc) and consider providing the ability to automate the generation of these PDF files.

    In the mean time, please consider opening your file using HealthFrame and installing a PDF print driver to generate the desired reports.

    Thank you for using HealthFrame,
    Support Team

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