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Re: Emergency card, screen display and PHR for my wife

  •  03-19-2006, 7:29 PM

    Re: Emergency card, screen display and PHR for my wife

    Dear Jan,


    You’re welcome!  We’re happy to help.


    The reason you’re being asked to buy the product, is probably because you only have a demo version.  Once you buy a license for HealthFrame (either the electronic version or the CD), you will be given a license # that you can use to activate HealthFrame.  Note that HealthFrame licenses only require you to buy a single license for family use.  In other words, you and your wife can use the same license #, and you only pay once per household.


    You can create an emergency card per personal health record (PHR) that you create.  In other words, you can create a PHR for yourself and another for your wife and each of you can print a separate emergency card.


    It seems that you may have a low resolution setting for your computer, by default.  That tends to make the program windows ‘bigger’ and sometimes they don’t fit the screen – which is why you’re having to move right or left.  If your computer’s resolution is too low, you probably saw a warning message when you started the program.  Please try changing your resolution – please note you may not be able to, depending on your computer configuration…


    -          Go to the Windows ‘Start’ menu

    -          Click on Settings / Control Panel / Display

    -          Click on the tab that says Settings (right most tab)

    -          Click on the screen resolution (see if you can get 1024 by 768 pixels, or higher)


    See if HealthFrame works better for you with the higher resolution.  To undo this setting just follow these steps again and go back to your original configuration.


    Support Team

    Records For Living, Inc.

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