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Re: USB Key device?

  •  03-16-2006, 10:12 PM

    Re: USB Key device?

    Thank you for the information you provided about your browser.  The remainder of the answers below in green.

    Support Team

    Records For Living, Inc.

    You are correct that the XML file is not meant to be viewed by a doctor, directly.  It is merely a mechanism that allows programs to exchange information or at times it serves as an intermediary format that can be transformed into a humanly-readable document.  The upcoming release of HealthFrame 2.0 will support a special format of XML called CCR (Continuity of Care Record).  This special format will be readable by a number of different computer programs IT WOULD COME UP ON MY MOZILLA BROWSER LOOKING LIKE HTML? OR SOMETHING? Yes.  There are ways of converting XML documents to readable formats like HTML.  In particular, for CCR, there are scripts that convert the CCR XML document into viewable/readable text.  The really important aspect of CCR, however, is that you will be able to carry those documents and there will be multiple mechanisms to view the information, besides HealthFrame., including some hospitals’ and doctors’ software.  In the future, you might be able to carry a CCR XML export of your personal health records in a USB drive, plug the USB into the provider’s computer and the information will be available to your doctors, in a readable format.


    These programs act like a printer (i.e. you use the File/Print… menu), but instead of the program printing to a physical printer, it generates a PDF file that can be saved anywhere, TO PAPERPORT? The generated PDF files should work with PAPERPORT, like any other PDF would.  including to a USB drive.  Once you save the PDF to a USB drive, any computer that reads PDF will be able to view the reports.  I have attached fictitious samples to this email (emergency card & medical history summary).  YES I'VE USED PDF   CONVERTER  PROGRAMS BEFORE

     Finally, a point of clarification about our licensing agreement: the HealthFrame license is a family license that can be installed in any computer that belongs to any member of the same family/household, to be used by those individuals. GREAT I'M PLANNLING ON BUYING THE FULL VERSION IN THE NEXT TWO DAYS. I HAVE  DOWNLOADED THE FREE TRIAL TO MY LAPTOP .  TELL, ME I DON'T HAVE TO RE-ENTER EVERYTHING AGAIN? IT WOULD TAKE HOURS!!!!.  You do NOT need to re-enter your data.  All you need to do is from the computer where you entered the data, start HealthFrame and do a File/Backup.  Copy the generated backup file to the other computer.  Be sure you have installed HealthFrame in the other computer too.  When you start HealthFrame, restore the backup.  You should treat the HealthFrame backup file as any other document you might transfer between home and laptop computers.

    ON YOUR PROGRAM'S START PAGE I DID A BACK UP FILE. THEN I FOUND WHERE IT WAS LOCATED ON MY DESKTOP COMPUTER. EXPORTED IT TO A JUMPDRIVE. THEN OPENED YOUR SOFTWARE ON MY LAPTOP. TRIED TO OPEN THE JUMPDRIVE FILE. NO LUCK? THE ERROR SIGN SAID IT COULDN'T FIND THE PROGRAM THAT COULD OPEN IT? Did you double click on the file?  Did you start HealthFrame and use the load from backup feature?  What is the file extension?  Specifically, you do not need to purchase separate licenses for your desktop and for your laptop.

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