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Importing Issues

  •  06-08-2008, 10:07 AM

    Importing Issues

    I have two databases, one for my medical only, and then a second for my other activities, appointments, volunteer work, etc.  I exported the medical database visits for the month of June and July, 2008, only. I then imported these medical visits into a newly created (third) database.

    I exported my "other activities" database for ALL dates, and then imported those visits into the third database.

    What happens is no matter what dates I chose to export from the "other activities" database, only the months of June and July, 2008, visits are imported and merged into the third database. . .that's if I import the medical database first for the months of June, and July, 2008, only.

    If I reverse the import by importing "other activities" first into a third database, and then import the June and July, 2008, only visits from the medical database, for some reason I get some visits dating back to 2006, and 2007.

    In other words, I am not getting a third database that has the July/August, 2008, medical visits, and all the "other activities" visits for the entire 2008.

    Ultimately, what I am trying to do is build a calendar so I can schedule my voluteer duties around my doctor visits, and I do not want all the information in both databases combined into one database. I am just interested in the dates, times, and who/what, if you follow what I mean.

    Am I doing something wrong? Yes, I am guilty of attempting to use HealthFrame for more than what it is intended. . .but why have two different programs to do what I believe the one Healthframe can do right? Hmm [^o)]   Idea [I]

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