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Re: Graphs Question

  •  05-17-2008, 8:26 PM

    Re: Graphs Question

    Hi, Brian!

    You can have as many user-defined graphs as you want, by using HealthFrame's customization feature (please look for the ellipsis - ... - button on the label line on the user defined graph page).

    The basic idea is that you create a customization, and then save it (give it a name).  You can then reuse it however many times you want.

    Here are the details (see image below):
    1. Make sure you start with fresh settings by clicking on the ... / New Customization menu.  (If it's grayed out, then you're already using the default, unfiltered settings).
    2. Configure your settings (e.g. desired date ranges, types of measurements being graphed, etc).  The image below shows graphic display for all dates, overlaying weight and blood pressure results.
    3. When you are done, it's time to save you work by using the ... / Save Customization As... menu item.  I named the customization I created in step 2, "Weight vs. BP".
    4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 as many times as you would like, each time creating a new customization for your user-defined graph.
    5. Whenever you want to use one of your defined graphs, just select it from .../Select Customization/<Name of Customization>.  Also, note that HealthFrame shows your customized user-defined graph on the list of graphs (Home > Reports > Graphs), as if if were built into HealthFrame.  Smile [:)]
    6. If you want to change a customization, first select it (as in step 5), make your changes and repeat step 3, but instead of adding a new name, select the existing name from the drop down list.
    Thanks for using HealthFrame and let us know if we can help you further!
    Support Team

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