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Some basic questions

  •  03-27-2008, 8:22 PM

    Some basic questions

    I am 77 years old and computer literate.  When I see a doctor for the first time, I have to answer the usual questions:

    1    What operations have you had and when?
    2    What medications are you taking?
    3    Current symptoms
    4    What previous tests/visits have you had?
    5    Any graphic records of PSA, blood pressure, stress test etc?

        I would like to be able to off-load the above to a flash drive that I can carry with me on a cruise and use in emergencies.  This would mean enough capability would     have to accompany this info to provide display on common computers in the doctor's office.

    I keep track of my medical expenditures in Quicken but need to couple this info with the actual detail of the appointments.

    In summary, it looks like you can handle this  kind of stuff but before I invest my time learning your system, I would like some assurance that most of the above can be accommodated.  I have been waiting a long time for a system that can do the above.

    best regards
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