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Could not post to the Website Forum, so I'll put this idea here, and you can move it if you like. Before the number of threads becomes too large and unmanageable, it should be broken into topics and sub-topics for easy navigation. It would be most logical to organize the forum posts exactly the same as the navigation bar in the software:
A CPT code add-in, at a reasonalbe price, would be a great addition to the software. One would hope the AMA is most interested in facilitating the records exchanges between providers and patients, and less inerested in making a huge profit from a proprietary coding system.
Now, if I could get this add-in by next month, that would be ...
I noticed the hyperlink, but for every Individual I linked to an Organization, the phone number and address fields under ''Additional Information About People - People'' are blank. For Individuals which are linked to Organizations, I did not enter any Location information for the Individual. I assumed the Organizations phone number and address ...
Thanks! This is exactly what I was trying to find. I had pretty much been through the help before starting, and looked through the Library a little, but had not tried the Lookup Reference button.
You might consider adding a ''picker'' button for visits (like the ones for test type, treatment type, etc.) so people are taken directly into the ...
I like the software so far, and have found it to be well organized. The one big downfall I have found is the lack of using the AMA CPT codes. ALL my doctors (14 entered so far) use these codes. I did find a web site where I can enter them and get the definition, but then I have to spend time searching the HealthFrame Conditions Types for the ...
On virtually every Individual I enter, I have to create an ''M.D.'' suffix. This is how all their business cards read; not with a ''Dr.'' prefix. This software is primarily for health care providers. It seems you would have added the common medical profession suffixes ''M.D.'', ''D.D.S.'', ''R.N.'', etc. to the pull-down a long time ago.
I spent a lot of time entering Organizations and Individuals, and then identifying the organization the individual belongs to. However, when I view the AAFP Continuity of Care Record, nothing is listed for those individuals, except for Role! Shouldn't the organization be listed for the individual, and the phone number, address, etc. be pulled in ...
I do not know the difference between many of the visit types. I selected ''Acute Care'' for many of my doctor visits which involved a treatment, but then in my Medical History Summary these visits are all listed as Hospitalizations. None of these visits required hospitilization. What is the difference between ''Checkup Exam'' and ''Diagnosis'', ...