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Will sorting Treatments, Tests, Conditions and Medications in date order on the MHS ever see the light of day? I hope you can move it up on the priority list.I've shared my MHS report with several doctors lately. Each of them commented that they loved seeing the report but did not like the sort order. They would
This has bugged me for quite some time because it seems I ''lose'' my new providers. This is of course because I have entered a future date as the 'start date'. I try to enter them as soon as I've setup a future appointment so i don't forget and so I can have the reminder.My suggestion would be to provide an option on the 'Providers' ...
I know somebody has probably already asked for this, but I think it would be nice to be able to copy and paste calendar events, such as Visits, from one day to another. This would facilitate the creation of a series of appointments. Thanks!