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This was 2 years ago. What's the ETA for 3.0.2?
This would be very helpful since the Visits Summary report only lists the Date, Type, With and Reason. I need the details that I've recorded since we rarely get any ''doctor notes''. I don't want to copy/paste into my own document. Reports need to be more flexible to show/hide any info that's in a record.
I agree that 2+ sections would be helpful. Plus, if ''side 1'' is small, then ''side 2'' info could start on side 1, If all info is too large for 2 sides, then grow to 3 or more. It could reduce size by not having Ph# and (Mobile)(Work) etc. - optional check if want to display. I have 2 Blue Cross Blue Shield contracts - one medical and one ...
I know the Emergency card is supposed to be small to fit in your wallet, but my husband has some many Concerns and Medications, it gets truncated. It would be nice to have to option to ''grow'' to contain all contents and maybe customize the items on the card. Thanks!
When will v3.0.2 come out?
Sorry for my delay in responding. Yes, it's all related to Expenses. For instance, under separate Medications, I create related Expense records for the Copays, then also create Expense (Mileage) records under those (copay) expense records. I already had a Mileage expense for one medication on same date (mileage trip), but want to link the same ...
Also, I can't link related records
I put in records for prescriptions etc, and I'm not able to Save the record to make changes. Save button is grayed out after I make changes. Only available options are Delete and Close, which does not save changes. I've noticed this before but didn't have time to report it. It needs to work as it should. Please fix.
I look forward to the new release soon!
I have been a loyal user since 2007!
Is HealthFrame v3 available now?
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