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  • ..a few questions

    1. I was wondering if there is a version available for Canadians.2. When entering values in the fields for the graphs I cannot get these values represented in the graphs, both in the ones established and also when I try to establish graphs outside the ones provided for. Thank You!Emil
    Posted to HealthFrame Discussion (Forum) by Emil on March 27, 2007
  • How do I use the viewer with my PHRs?

    I have recently tried your software and found it quite useful. I subsequently purchased online and received my access key number.&nbsp;I found it very logical and easy to establish and enter records. However, when I tried to use the viewer in conjunction with my established PHR's I was not able to bring&nbsp;the PHR's into the viewer. (...this is a
    Posted to HealthFrame Discussion (Forum) by Emil on February 2, 2007
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