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Travel drives, medication allergies and safety

  •  10-08-2007, 8:08 PM

    Travel drives, medication allergies and safety

    I am trying the Health Frame for a 15-day trial period.  There are a few questions I'd like to have answered to help me in the decision to purchase Health Frame or not.
    1.  After building the Personal Health Records for the family, can I put the individual PHRs on separate, individual travel drives?  If so, would I have to do each one as a separate file in Health Frame?  How many individual PHRs can be created?
    2.  Do I have to register with Health Frame, or can I just put my PHR on the travel drive?
    3.  If I have to register with Health Frame, can my PHR be accessed at random by any and everyone through the Web?  Would the records be secure?
    4.  Is there a way to position medication allergies and important procedures that MUST NOT be done in red or yellow and have them pop up as soon as the travel drive is connected to a computer?  E.g. "No vitals whatsoever can be done on the right side of the body" because of Lymphedema.
    Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated.
    4.  How safe is Health Frame?
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