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Expense Reports

  •  11-15-2006, 12:09 AM

    Expense Reports

    I've looked at the expense and transaction reports and they look great and are very helpful. But, I am wondering if you can add to these reports two options:

    1. Number of decimal places in the amount field
    2. A field to enter a multiplier

    What I am thinking is that mileage and expenses to and from doctor's appointments are tax deductible. For those of us with chronic illnesses that require many appointments, the co-pays and mileage add up.

    So, in a nutshell, what I am looking to do is to not only track the co-pays for doctor's visits and prescriptions, but to also track the round-trip mileage for each doctor's visit.  I have tried adding this mileage "type" to the reports with one decimal, but I get errors. Actually, sometimes it takes, and sometimes errors pop up and the program screeches to a halt. Anyway, to be able to add the mileage, and then at the end of the year put in the amount the IRS allows per mile and have the program automatically (by the push of a button) calculate the dollar amount for the mileage. For example:

    Doctor A round-trip mileage on 01/26/2006        32.6

    Doctor B round-trip mileage on 04/18/2006        14.3

    Doctor A round-trip mileage on 05/26/2006        32.6

    Doctor C round-trip mileage on 06/05/2006      190.8

    Doctor A round-trip mileage on 09/23/2006        32.6

    Doctor C round-trip mileage on 11/09/2006       190.8

    2006 - Total Medical Miles                               493.7 miles

    IRS allowed deduction per mile                          .14 (cents)

    2006 Deduction                                           $68.60

    In the above example, the yellow represents having an optional decimal place for 0, 1, or 2 decimals; the purple represents an addition calculation; and the orange represents a user amount input based on the annual IRS amount; and then the green is the result of the multiplication of the purple miles and the IRS allowed deduction per mile of 14 cents. Ultimately, in addition to the co-pays, it is the green that is needed for the deduction for income taxes.

    Many thanks for your consideration of this suggestion!

    Ok, I looked at this post and saw the colors are not showing on the web page once the suggestion is posted.

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