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Re: Exporting Medications List to CSV or Excel

  •  06-22-2010, 7:55 AM

    Re: Exporting Medications List to CSV or Excel

    I noticed that Support has not replied to your question so I will offer just a little help.

    One option is to export your PHR records to the CCR format.  This file is in the XML format.  Then use an application (program) that has a function that converts XML to CSV format.

    To created the CCR from HealthFrame, go to File > Export PHR..., then select CCR as the 'Save as type:", then designate the "Save in:" location and type a file-name in "File name:" field, then click on the "Save" button.

    To convert the CCR (XML) to CSV you will need to obtain a converter.  I have not evaluated any of these so I can't give you a recommendation, but you can Google 'xml to csv conversion' to find them. Hopefully you can find a free one but you should not have to pay over $25 for one.

    I hope this helps.
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