1.) Should be able to crosslink db components between PHR's (Individuals, organizations, etc.). Same family ... same resources ... usually.
2.) Should have Pharmacies set up as db link. Currently, there is nowhere to enter them under the Medications entry page. Have to type in info in the Note or Instruction boxes.
3.) Drop-down boxes (Frequency, Route, Roles, etc.) have freetext-entry ability (luckily) but do not have the ability to retain and add the entries to the selection lists. So you have to re-enter the same selections every time they are needed.
4.) Where can I find the Time format options/setting? It's not clear what the correct form of entry is required or allowed. A four digit, military time, format as an option would be nice.
5) How often is the med list updated and is it part of a regular version update?
6.) There needs to be a "Copy Page", option for adding "same-med", refill information. Takes too long to re-type a new entry for the same med every time. The same applies for adding Family Members that all have similar details on every page (address, phone numbers, etc.). Oh yes, and you should be able to copy across PHR's.
6.) I've noticed that in the Tests section, if you enter more than one test manually on one page, only the first one will be reflected in the Medical History Summary. Therefore you have to add each test on separate page if you want them all to be reflected.
7.) You should be able to select multiple items on the Test Summary list page. This would definitely facilitate updating the same common entries or corrections across multiple test pages. As opposed to one-at-a-time entering.
8.) Setting up a field to link in Medications on the Test page would be helpful. Using the current Related links button is slower.
9.) On Allergies list, date range column has no relevance. Should display Reaction column instead.
10.) You guys could really use a Med Tech (lab) and an X-ray Tech for input on your on-screen functionality & design. Just to run your ideas by them. I am new to your software and this forum. I have been a tech for better than 30 years now and I can see all kinds of improvement potential as I use your program (which, so far, I think is wonderful). I didn't write down a lot of them at first because I was learning how to get started. Now I am making an effort to do so. Any lab person worth his salt is usually pretty "anal retentive" and are sticklers for simplicity AND precision. I am a lab tech by schooling and also an xray tech by training and I have spent many years in doctor’s office environments (including charting, lab, xray, meds, nursing, etc.). Let me know if I can help